Monday, March 4, 2019

Port mirroring on cisco Device

Port mirroring on cisco Device

mon sess 1 source interface g0/22
mon sess 1 destination interface g0/24


Verify with
show mon sess 1

then you can monitor traffic log of firewall/router using wireshark 

CISCO ASA showing realtime log on putty

CISCO Logging on putty:
conf t
logging monitor 7  //Debugging mode
terminal monitor

logging timestamp


Here is different severity levels of logging as follows:

  • 0 —emergency: System unusable
  • 1 —alert: Immediate action needed
  • 2 —critical: Critical condition—default level
  • 3 —error: Error condition
  • 4 —warning: Warning condition
  • 5 —notification: Normal but significant condition
  • 6 —informational: Informational message only
  • 7 —debugging: Appears during debugging only

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Disable Automatic Windows updates in Windows Server 2016

How to disable Automatic Windows  updates in Windows Server 2016

Step-1: Form Local Group Policy:

Automatic Windows Update disable from Local Group Policy windows server 2016
Automatic Windows Update disable from Local Group Policy

Windows + R, type gpedit.msc to open Local Group Policy Editor, the location is Computer configuration, policies, Administrative templates, Windows Components, Windows Update, in the right pane choose "Configure automatic updates" to disabled.

From Services.msc
Disable Windows update

Sunday, April 1, 2018


Penetration testing, commonly known as pen-testing is on a roll in the testing circle nowadays. The reason is not too hard to guess – with the change in the way computer systems are used and built, security takes the center stage.  Even though companies realize that they can’t make every system 100% secure, they are extremely interested to know exactly what kind of security issues they are dealing with. That’s where Pen-testing comes handy with its use of ethical hacking techniques.

A list of all the best and most popular Pen Testing/Security Testing tools required for every penetration tester is addressed in this article.Wouldn’t it be fun if a company hired you to hack its website/ network/ Server? Well, Yeah!Penetration testing, commonly known as pen-testing is on a roll in the testing circle nowadays. The reason is not too hard to guess – with the change in the way computer systems are used and built, security takes the center stage.  Even though companies realize that they can’t make every system 100% secure, they are extremely interested to know exactly what kind of security issues they are dealing with. That’s where Pen-testing comes handy with its use of ethical hacking techniques.

For more details about Penetration Testing, you can check these guides:
=> Penetration testing – the complete guide
=> Security testing of web & desktop applications

What is Penetration Testing?

It is a method of testing in which the areas of weakness in the software systems in terms of security are put to test to determine, if ‘weak-point’ is indeed one, that can be broken into or not.
Performed for: Websites/Servers/Networks

How is it Performed?

Step #1. It starts with a list of Vulnerabilities/potential problem areas that would cause a security breach for the system.
Step #2. If possible, this list of items is ranked in the order of priority/criticality
Step #3. Devise penetration tests that would work (attack your system) from both within the network and outside (externally) are done to determine if you can access data/network/server/website unauthorized.
Step #4. If unauthorized access is possible, then the system has to be corrected and the series of steps need to be re-run until the problem area is fixed.

Who Performs Pen-testing?

Testers/ Network specialists/ Security Consultants perform Pen-testing.
Note: It is important to note that pen-testing is not the same as vulnerability testing. The intention of vulnerability testing is just to identify the potential problems, whereas pen-testing is to attack those problems.
Good news is, you do not have to start the process by yourself – you have a number of tools already available in the market.  Wondering, why tools?
  • Even though you design the test on what to attack and how you can leverage, a lot of tools that are available in the market to hit the problem areas and collect data quickly that in turn would enable effective security analysis of the system.
Before we look into the details of the tools, what they do, where you can get them, etc. , I would like to point out that the tools you use for pen-testing can be classified into two kinds – In simple words, they are scanners and attackers. This is because; by definition, pen-testing is exploiting the weak spots. So there are some software/tools that will show you the weak spots, & some that show, and attack. Literally speaking, the ‘show-ers’ are not pen-testing tools but they are inevitable for its success.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Linux in Practice

Linux Intro-5

Basic Commands:

Read this list of basic commands and become familiar with them.
  • sudo ("superuser do") - Allows you to run other commands with administrative privileges. This is useful when, for example, you need to modify files in a directory that your user wouldn't normally have access to.
  • cd ("change directory") - Changes the directory you are currently working in. You can use full paths to folders or simply the name of a folder within the directory you are currently working. Some common uses:
    • cd / - Takes you to the root directory.
    • cd .. - Takes you up one directory level.,
    • cd - - Takes you to the previous directory.
  • pwd ("print working directory") - Displays the directory you are currently in.
  • ls ("list") - Lists all files and folders in your current working directory. You can also specify paths to other directories if you want to view their contents.
  • cp ("copy") - Allows you to copy a file. You should specify both the file you want copied and the location you want it copied to - for example, cp foo /home/john would copy the file "foo" to the directory "/home/john".
  • mv ("move") - Allows you to move files. You can also rename files by moving them to the directory they are currently in, but under a new name. The usage is the same as cp - mv foo /home/john would move the file "foo" to the directory "/home/john".
  • rm ("remove") - Removes the specified file.
    • rmdir ("remove directory") - Removes an empty directory.
    • rm -r ("remove recursively") - Removes a directory along with its content.
  • mkdir ("make directory") - Allows you to create a new directory. You can specify where you want the directory created - if you do not do so, it will be created in your current working directory.
  • history - Displays all of your previous commands up to the history limit.

Acquaint yourself with these help commands.
  • man - Displays a "manual page" on the specified command. Manual pages are usually very detailed, and it's recommended that you read the man pages for any command you are unfamiliar with. Some common uses:
    • man man - Provides information about the manual itself.
    • man intro - Displays a brief introduction to Linux commands.
  • info - Similar to man, but often provides more detailed or precise information.
  • <command name> -h or <command name> --help provide a third alternative. While not as detailed as the info or man pages, this will provide a quick overview of the command and its uses.

  1. cquaint yourself with these help commands.
    • man - Displays a "manual page" on the specified command. Manual pages are usually very detailed, and it's recommended that you read the man pages for any command you are unfamiliar with. Some common uses:
      • man man - Provides information about the manual itself.
      • man intro - Displays a brief introduction to Linux commands.
    • info - Similar to man, but often provides more detailed or precise information.
    • <command name> -h or <command name> --help provide a third alternative. While not as detailed as the info or man pages, this will provide a quick overview of the command and its uses.
  2. 3
    Finally, learn some commands related to displaying information about your system.
    • df (display filesystem) - Displays information about the disk space usage of all mounted filesystems. df -h uses KB, MB, and GB, if this format is preferred.
    • du (directory usage) - Displays the size of a directory and all of its subdirectories. du -h can be used if KB, MB, and GB are preferred.
    • free - Displays the amount of free space available on the system. To view the information in MB, use free -m.
    • uname -a - Provides a wide range of basic information about the system.
    • top - Displays the processes using the most system resources at any given time. "q" can be used to exit.
  3. 4
    Make use of shortcuts to execute commands more quickly.
    • The Up and Down arrow keys can be used to scroll through your command history, allowing you to quickly execute the same command multiple times.
    • The Tab key can be used to complete the command you are typing. If more than one command is possible, you can press it multiple times to scroll through the possible completions. If a very wide number of commands are possible, it can output a list of all possible completions.
    • Ctrl+r allows you to search your history for commands matching what you have typed.

Linux Intro-4

Various folders

/: is the ROOT directory and the center of the Linux file system. Unlike Windows, there is only one root directory, no matter how many hard drives or storage devices you have. Every device is mounted somewhere off the root directory.
/bin, /sbin: are directories which contain the various programs and instructions that the operating system itself needs to function. Many of the configuration programs present in the Knoppix graphical environment link directly back to files in these directories.
/dev: contains various subdirectories that represent the hardware devices attached to your system. '/dev/cdrom' is your optical drive, for example. This is a good illustration of how everything, even hardware, becomes a part of the overarching directory tree in Linux.
The /etc: directory and its subdirectories contain assorted text-based configuration files which the operating system uses to govern its behaviour.
/home: generally contains personal directories for each user. In the case of the Knoppix live CD we are using, a single user called 'Knoppix' is created. You can think of the '/home/knoppix' directory as being your 'my documents' folder for all intents and purposes.
/usr: contains various programs and routines that users can run on the system, as well as help documents and even the source code for the Linux kernel itself.
The /mnt: directory is a general repository for all data devices attached to the system. hard drives and other storage devices are generally mounted in subdirectories under /mnt. If you right click any of the hard drive shortcuts on the desktop and select 'properties' then the 'device' tab, you will see that the 'mount point' is listed as /mnt/(device name). This is the directory that the shortcut links to in order to show your files. If you went to the console (command prompt) and navigated to '/mnt/hda1' you would see the contents of your Windows 'c:' drive.