Monday, April 21, 2014

Flush Transaction Logs in Exchange

Flush Transaction Logs in Exchange:

Your Exchange Logs get deleted when your database backup completes. When your exchange server receives an email it dumps the email to the transaction logs. When the exchange server free's up it then plays these logs into the database. Sometimes Exchange may not have played all the log files into the database, so you cant simply "delete" them.

1. Dismount the all Exchange Mailbox Databases under the Storage Group you wish to clean up.

2. Use the ESEUTIL program to view if all the logs have been played into the Exchange Database.

eseutil /MH database.edb

If all the databases are in a Clean Shutdown or Consistent state, you may remove all the transaction logs. Older versions say "Consistent", New Versions of Exchange say "Clean Shutdown". In my screenshot I'm using Exchange 2010.

Note: If it is not in a "Clean Shutdown" or "Consistent" state, you can use eseutil to reply the log files into the database or remount the database and allow Exchange to replay them.
Caution: Do not delete log files if the state is not "Clean Shutdown" or "Consistent" as you will loose email!

3. Delete all log files including the chk file. The checkpoint file keeps track of which log files have been and have not been played into the database. Since there are no log files anymore, the checkpoint is not needed.

Caution: If your database is in the same directory as your log files be careful you dont accidently delete your edb database file as well!

4. Re-mount your exchange databases in your storage group. This will automatically create a new checkpoint file ready to go!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Removing saved credentials

Removing Saved Credentials (passwords) from Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7:


To removed cached credentials

1. Click Start and select Run
2. In the Open field type "rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr"
3. Once the Stored Usernames and Passwords interface opens you can select any of the entries and select Properties to view the existing information
4. To remove a saved password you can select one of the entries and select Remove. A confirmation screen will appear. Click on OK and the account will be removed
5. You can add additional saved passwords as well by clicking on the Add button and entering the appropriate information
6. Repeat the steps above as needed to add, remove or edit saved passwords
7. When you are done using the interface click the Close button
That's all there is to it. This is a great way to see if, while working on a machine, you've accidentally saved your credentials, as any username/password combinations in this list will survive a reboot, and still be available.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cd/dvd Drive not showing (Solved)

CD/DVD Drive Not showing but power okay and Driver is Updated. In device manager showing registry file corrupted:

Note: Before Doing any change in Registry file please take a full/partial backup

1. Close all open programs
2. Click on Start, Run, and type REGEDIT and press Enter
3. Click on the plus signs (+) next to the following folders:


4. This folder is the DVD/CD-ROM Drive Class Description in the registry. Look for any of the following names in the right hand column.


5. If any of the above keys shown in step 4 are listed, right-click on them and choose Delete
6. After deleting the keys, close the Registry Editor
7. Reboot your computer
8. Open My Computer and check to see if your CD or DVD drives have returned.

Assign IP while booting

Assign IP while Booting a PC/VM: Mostly useful for Windows Backup restore
netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces  //Will Show found Interfaces
netsh interface ipv4 set address name <ID from interface list> source=static address=<preferred IP address> gateway=<gateway address>  // General Command

For Windows 2008 r2
>netsh interface ipv4 add address name="Local Area Connection" address= mask= gateway= 1

Note: May not work in Windows Server 2008.

Route command for windows and Linux

Route Add Command For windows and Linux:
For Windows:
 Start-->Run-->cmd(Open as Administrator)
>>route print  //will show existing Routing Information
>>route add –p mask

For Linux System:
Connect with server using putty
route add -net netmask eth1>Destination Network Address
eth1-->Local network Address/ Ethernet

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How to enable telnet

How to enable Telnet Client in Windows 7:


To enable Telnet Client on Windows 7, follow these steps :
  1. Click on Start    then left (right click if you have reversed your mouse buttons) click once on Control Panel
  2. From Control Panel, click on Programs
  3. Under Programs and Features, click on Turn Windows Features on or off
  4. From the Windows Features window, using the slider, scroll down till you reach Telnet Client, select the checkbox beside it, then click on OK
    The selected feature will be installed.

    Once it is installed, the Windows Features windows will be closed.
  5. To confirm that Telnet is installed, open command prompt and type telnet /?

Monday, April 7, 2014

Password prompt in Outlook

 Outlook users get repeated pop-up dialogs for Authentication:

Outlook users with a single mailbox may get repeated pop-up dialogs asking for password re-submission even if their password is present and "remember" is checked. When they click "ok" mail proceeds to work even though they have supplied nothing new. When this happens, just follow these three steps or have your system administrator help you do it.

Back Up The Registry

  • Click Start, Run, Type 'regedit' (you may have to use regedt32 to change permissions) and click OK.
  • Click the pluses next to:
    • Software
    • Microsoft
  • Right click 'Protected Storage System Provider' and select 'Export'
  • Give the key a unique name that you will remember in case you need it later and save the file someplace where you can find it such as your desktop.
Change the Permissions
  • Right click 'Protected Storage System Provider' and select 'Permissions'
  • Select the user currently logged on and set 'Read' and 'Full Control' permissions to 'Allow'
  • Click 'Advanced' and select the 'Permissions' tab
  • Select the user currently logged on, make sure 'Full Control' is listed in 'Permissions' and that 'This Key' and 'Subkeys' are listed in 'Apply To'
  • Check the box for 'Replace Permission Entries on all Child Objects with Entries Shown Here that Apply to Child Objects'
  • Click 'Apply' and 'Yes' when asked if you are sure
  • Click 'Ok' and 'Ok' to return to the Registry Editor
Delete the Key
  • Click the plus next to the 'Protected Storage System Provider' key
  • Right click the user sub-key folder that looks like a long string of numbers with dashes
  • Click 'Delete' and then 'Yes' when 'Confirm Key Delete' appears
  • If an identity has a sub-key under the 'Protected Storage System Provider' key, delete all the sub-key folders, too.
  • Close the Registry and Reboot