Thursday, March 9, 2017

How to get DNS server and FQDN name / IP Address of Computer

Use Of NSlookup:
1. Start
2. Run
3. Type:cmd
4. nslookup will show the DNS server and Device/Computer Name
5. nslookup tid-107 will show the DNS server and IP Address

Clearing the DNS Cache on Computers and Browsers

For Windows
  1. Click Start.
  2. Enter cmd in the Start menu search text box.
  3. Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.
  4. Run the following command:
    ipconfig /flushdns
    If the command succeeds, the system returns the following message:
    Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

Outlook prompts you repeatedly for a password

Outlook  prompts you repeatedly for a password

outlook 2007 password prompt এর চিত্র ফলাফল


1. Make Sure Outlook is close
2. Then go to start/settings/Control Panel
3. Double Click on Mail/Then E-mail accounts
4. On the email tab highlight your username(your email address) and hit Change
5. Then Click on More Settings/Connection/Exchange Proxy Settings
6. Then unclick the "Only connect to proxy servers that have this principal name in their certificate" the box will go grey.
7. Then hit OK/Then Apply/Then OK/Then Cancel/Then Close/Then Close
8. Open Outlook and Put in Domain\(Your username) and password.
Put check Mark on remember my password.