Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Linux in Practice

Linux Intro-5

Basic Commands:

Read this list of basic commands and become familiar with them.
  • sudo ("superuser do") - Allows you to run other commands with administrative privileges. This is useful when, for example, you need to modify files in a directory that your user wouldn't normally have access to.
  • cd ("change directory") - Changes the directory you are currently working in. You can use full paths to folders or simply the name of a folder within the directory you are currently working. Some common uses:
    • cd / - Takes you to the root directory.
    • cd .. - Takes you up one directory level.,
    • cd - - Takes you to the previous directory.
  • pwd ("print working directory") - Displays the directory you are currently in.
  • ls ("list") - Lists all files and folders in your current working directory. You can also specify paths to other directories if you want to view their contents.
  • cp ("copy") - Allows you to copy a file. You should specify both the file you want copied and the location you want it copied to - for example, cp foo /home/john would copy the file "foo" to the directory "/home/john".
  • mv ("move") - Allows you to move files. You can also rename files by moving them to the directory they are currently in, but under a new name. The usage is the same as cp - mv foo /home/john would move the file "foo" to the directory "/home/john".
  • rm ("remove") - Removes the specified file.
    • rmdir ("remove directory") - Removes an empty directory.
    • rm -r ("remove recursively") - Removes a directory along with its content.
  • mkdir ("make directory") - Allows you to create a new directory. You can specify where you want the directory created - if you do not do so, it will be created in your current working directory.
  • history - Displays all of your previous commands up to the history limit.

Acquaint yourself with these help commands.
  • man - Displays a "manual page" on the specified command. Manual pages are usually very detailed, and it's recommended that you read the man pages for any command you are unfamiliar with. Some common uses:
    • man man - Provides information about the manual itself.
    • man intro - Displays a brief introduction to Linux commands.
  • info - Similar to man, but often provides more detailed or precise information.
  • <command name> -h or <command name> --help provide a third alternative. While not as detailed as the info or man pages, this will provide a quick overview of the command and its uses.

  1. cquaint yourself with these help commands.
    • man - Displays a "manual page" on the specified command. Manual pages are usually very detailed, and it's recommended that you read the man pages for any command you are unfamiliar with. Some common uses:
      • man man - Provides information about the manual itself.
      • man intro - Displays a brief introduction to Linux commands.
    • info - Similar to man, but often provides more detailed or precise information.
    • <command name> -h or <command name> --help provide a third alternative. While not as detailed as the info or man pages, this will provide a quick overview of the command and its uses.
  2. 3
    Finally, learn some commands related to displaying information about your system.
    • df (display filesystem) - Displays information about the disk space usage of all mounted filesystems. df -h uses KB, MB, and GB, if this format is preferred.
    • du (directory usage) - Displays the size of a directory and all of its subdirectories. du -h can be used if KB, MB, and GB are preferred.
    • free - Displays the amount of free space available on the system. To view the information in MB, use free -m.
    • uname -a - Provides a wide range of basic information about the system.
    • top - Displays the processes using the most system resources at any given time. "q" can be used to exit.
  3. 4
    Make use of shortcuts to execute commands more quickly.
    • The Up and Down arrow keys can be used to scroll through your command history, allowing you to quickly execute the same command multiple times.
    • The Tab key can be used to complete the command you are typing. If more than one command is possible, you can press it multiple times to scroll through the possible completions. If a very wide number of commands are possible, it can output a list of all possible completions.
    • Ctrl+r allows you to search your history for commands matching what you have typed.

Linux Intro-4

Various folders

/: is the ROOT directory and the center of the Linux file system. Unlike Windows, there is only one root directory, no matter how many hard drives or storage devices you have. Every device is mounted somewhere off the root directory.
/bin, /sbin: are directories which contain the various programs and instructions that the operating system itself needs to function. Many of the configuration programs present in the Knoppix graphical environment link directly back to files in these directories.
/dev: contains various subdirectories that represent the hardware devices attached to your system. '/dev/cdrom' is your optical drive, for example. This is a good illustration of how everything, even hardware, becomes a part of the overarching directory tree in Linux.
The /etc: directory and its subdirectories contain assorted text-based configuration files which the operating system uses to govern its behaviour.
/home: generally contains personal directories for each user. In the case of the Knoppix live CD we are using, a single user called 'Knoppix' is created. You can think of the '/home/knoppix' directory as being your 'my documents' folder for all intents and purposes.
/usr: contains various programs and routines that users can run on the system, as well as help documents and even the source code for the Linux kernel itself.
The /mnt: directory is a general repository for all data devices attached to the system. hard drives and other storage devices are generally mounted in subdirectories under /mnt. If you right click any of the hard drive shortcuts on the desktop and select 'properties' then the 'device' tab, you will see that the 'mount point' is listed as /mnt/(device name). This is the directory that the shortcut links to in order to show your files. If you went to the console (command prompt) and navigated to '/mnt/hda1' you would see the contents of your Windows 'c:' drive.

Linux Intro-3

Major Linux differences take 1: The file system

Probably the single most confusing thing for new Linux users is the file system. By this we mean the way files are stored, indexed and accessed on the hard drive and other media. If you've gotten used to the Microsoft Windows/DOS file systems (FAT32 and NTFS) you may be in for a bit of disorientation here. There are no familiar drive letters now, no c:, d:, etc. and no 'my computer' to provide a comforting overview of everything. The Linux virtual file system (VFS) works quite a bit differently; here's a quick overview:
In both Linux and Windows, the idea of the ROOT directory is important, though less so in Windows than in Linux. The ROOT is the base of your entire file system, the origin of all directories, etc. Now in Windows, every drive and piece of removable media has its own root directory, (c:, d:, e:, etc.) with folders and directories branching off it.
In Linux, there is one central ROOT directory and every device and file in the computer can be located somewhere branching off it. This is the Virtual File System, in which all devices and data (even drives using different file systems) are assembled together into one large branching directory.
Think of it like this. In windows, each drive is its own tree, with its branches being the files and folders contained within it. In Linux VFS, there is only one, much larger tree and everything (including hardware, drivers etc.) is contained somewhere within its branches.
When hard drives or removable media devices are added to a Windows system, a new drive letter is created (d:,e: etc.), and that drive letter is used to access and store data on that device.
When you add a new hard drive or removable media device to a Linux system, a directory is created (or activated) through which the data on that device can be accessed. This process is known as mounting the drive or device. Essentially, you tell the operating system that all the files on the device can be accessed by going to x directory. Like recent versions of Windows, most modern Linux variants (including the version of Knoppix we are using now) will perform this mounting operation automatically.
Now let's take a look at the directory structure of Linux and some of the more important built-in directories. Click the Konqueror browser program link on the taskbar ( a blue planet with metal spikes coming out of it)
In the address bar, type '/'
This brings you to the root of the Linux file system. The various directories pictured make up the entirety of the operating system and user files, including hardware drivers.

Linux Intro-2

The first major difference you need to be aware of is that icons on the KDE desktop activate with a single click, like links in Internet Explorer, so double-clicking will only get you two of whatever you wanted. Once you are used to this, we can explore the desktop.
The icons down the left hand side of the screen represent the trash bin (same as the windows recycling bin) and your floppy, CD and hard drives in a line.
You should have one hard disk icon for every separate hard disk partition (c:, d:, etc.) you have in Windows. 'hda' represents the first physical hard disk in your system, so 'hda1' will be the first partition on the first drive in your system, which should be your Windows C: drive. 'hda2' if present will be your second partition on the same drive and so on. 'hdb' represents the second physical hard disk, so 'hdb1' will be the first partition on that disk.
A single click on one of these icons will open a browser window into that drive. Open them all to familiarize yourself with where your files are located.
Plugging a removable USB drive into your system will cause another icon to appear after a few seconds. This should be 'sda1' and will allow you to access the files on the device. Very simple.
The 'K' button in the bottom left corner is equivalent to the Windows 'Start' button and opens up a menu with a host of applications. Take a quick look through to familiarize yourself with what is available.

The next thing to bring your attention to is the set of 4 numbered squares in the middle of the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Each of these squares represents a unique 'virtual' iteration of the KDE desktop, allowing you to have different programs and windows open in each. Try it out by opening a program, then clicking on the number 2 square. You are back to a clean desktop again, while if you click on the number 1 square you will see the window for the program you had opened.
Knoppix can actually support up to 20 of these virtual desktops, which can be configured by right-clicking on the taskbar icon. 

Linux Intro-1


Since its creation in 1991 by Linus Torvalds to the present day, Linux has been half operating system and half symbol.
his publicly licensed operating system.
Under the skin of this icon lies a mere operating system, but it's an operating system with a single staggering advantage. It's free.  
Not free as in "gee I hope nobody from Microsoft pokes around inside my computer" but 'free' as in the entire core of the operating system must be public domain. 
we aim to familiarize you with using Linux for everyday computing purposes by means of the most popular Linux desktop environment, KDE. 

Simply put, it's what you see; the Graphical User Interface (GUI, pronounced "gooey") of an operating system, like Windows has, well… Windows. Microsoft's claim to fame is their graphical desktop environment which is an integral part of their operating systems, and of how we use computers today. Linux, on the other hand, was developed first as a non-graphical operating system, an offshoot of Unix. Due to the fact that Linux is entirely open source, other programmers are free to create and expand upon it. 

The two desktops that emerged as the most popular are KDE and Gnome, both of which are rather similar to Windows in functionality.
Linux is not the same as Windows. The underlying mechanics of the two operating systems are completely different for one thing, and the cultures behind the separate operating systems also differ radically. 
As Linux is open source code, anyone is free to develop their own operating system out of it, provided they make a version of it available for free. This has led to hundreds of Linux 'distributions' being created for various purposes.

several 'major distributions' like Mandrake and Debian gained enough of a following to allow stability and constant improvement.

Many of the larger Linux distributions are run by companies that make a living selling packaged and supported copies of their distribution to business users. Of these, Redhat is probably the most well known.
the most popular 'live-CD' Linux distribution, Knoppix.